Saturday 8 November 2014

The introduction

Hey guys! So this is my blog that I finally got working! (It's literally taken me days)

So, for my first blog post I thought I'd tell you a bit about myself and what kind of thing I'm going to be posting. 

I love everything fandom. Not joking. I swear I have a tv addiction. 
I will watch literally anything you recommend and will most likely do a review about it. 
^^^^same with books
YouTube is my life. 
I watch people like Dan, Phil, Zoe, Alfie, Tyler and all of that jazz. 
I believe that everything fandom should have at least 1 ship/otp. 
As well as reviews and fandom talk, I'm also planning on using this blog for fashion/beauty shiz. 

Thanks for reading if you have so far!! I will try uploading on this blog at least once a week. Byyyyyyyyye!!!!!

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